home ideas

Green alternative eco friendly energy. Windmill turbines landscapes in paper cut house. Papercraft ecological concept

Eco-Friendly Home Tips to Save the Earth (and Your Money)

In our modern world, it’s crucial to adopt eco-friendly practices to protect the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. It’s especially important in densely populated countries like Singapore, where resources such as water and energy are limited and must be utilised wisely. By incorporating sustainable practices in our everyday lives, we can not only conserve

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Stress-Free Tips to Integrate Nature into Modern HDB Homes

Modern HDB homes today are located in urban jungles surrounded by concrete skyscrapers, technology and modern amenities. As such, development has put us further away from our natural surroundings. However, awareness about our environment and the importance of greenery has inspired greenscaping practices and biophilic design ideas in modern townships. Here are 6 easy ways

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