Pros and Cons of a Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink

The stainless steel kitchen sink is one of the most popular kitchen sinks in Singapore due to its practicality. It comes in various sizes and styles: top mount, undermount, farmhouse and even integrated.

Before you select your kitchen sink, let’s evaluate the pros and cons of a stainless steel kitchen sink.

Pros: Long-Lasting and Durable

If you want a durable sink, then stainless steel sink is your answer. Stainless steel is stable, rust-resistant and does not corrode. These are long-lasting features that make it a favourite in kitchens because the sink is exposed to constant moisture and all types of residues.

Unlike stone or porcelain sinks, you’ll never have to worry about cracking or chipping your stainless steel sink.

Moreover, stainless steel sinks are resistant to heat and stains. Pouring hot water into the sink to clean and disinfect it would not harm the integrity and appearance of your sink.

Pros: Highly Versatile

Besides being lightweight, its colour neutrality conforms with just about any colour scheme in your kitchen. Despite the neutral colour it offers, the stainless steel sink comes in various finishes such as mirror, matte, satin and textured.

They are also available in many various designs and sizes, such as the single bowl or double bowl sink, to cater to your kitchen needs.

Aurasink Leakproof Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink - Single Bowl and Double Bowl Large Sink

Pros: Maintenance is a Breeze!

In general, caring for your stainless steel sink is quite a breeze. Commercial kitchens are pro stainless steel because of hygiene features. Cleaning the sink is easy, and there are no nook and cranny to harbour germs.

Cleaning stainless steel kitchen sink using soft sponge and soap

While stone sinks look elegant, but they are harder to maintain and definitely heavier. In the long run, it takes more effort to maintain a stone sink because it needs to be sealed to maintain its pristine condition.

Pros: Relatively More Affordable

Stainless steel kitchen sinks are relatively more affordable than granite sinks. You can get a very good leakproof kitchen sink from Aurasink for $400 onwards.

Pros: Stainless Steel Material is Recyclable

For environmental-conscious homeowners, it’s good to know that stainless steel is recyclable. So, if ever one day you decide that you need to upgrade to a leakproof stainless steel sink, you can donate your old sink out for recycling purposes.

Cons: Easily Scratched and Dented

Stainless steel is easily scratched. This is the most visible disadvantage of owning a stainless steel kitchen sink. Turn your smooth and shiny surface into scratch art when you scour it with steel wool (we are not recommending this, but merely demonstrating how easy it is to scratch it). Once it is scratched, you may try ways to make it less visible depending on the severity.

Also, depending on the quality of your sink, a huge impact on it may dent the surface. However, despite the scratches and dents, the sink is still very much usable despite losing points in its aesthetics.

Cons: Noisy

Have you ever dropped your fork or spoon into your stainless steel kitchen sink? If you have butterfingers, the constant dropping of objects into the sink would produce a percussion of sorts.

While doing the dishes, it’s hard to get into stealth mode. The clanging of dishes on the stainless steel surface is going to be loud. If you dislike noise pollution, you’ll have to be gentler in placing your utensils into the sink.

Cons: Visible Water Spots

Although the stainless steel kitchen sink is stain-resistant, it may still succumb to visible water spots when in contact with mineral-rich water (hard water). When hard water is left to dry, the mineral residue forms ugly spots on your otherwise shiny sink.

Nonetheless, these spots can be easily removed using baking soda, vinegar, water and a soft sponge.

Cons: Comes in a Single Colour

This is perhaps an understatement. Although stainless steel is available in different finishes, the colour remains the same. But that should not hinder your decision in getting one because it is still easy to blend into your modern setting.

Buy a Leakproof Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink

There are plenty of stainless steel kitchen sinks in the market. However, it is important to note that not all stainless steel sinks are built the same in terms of quality.

Do not make the mistake of buying a cheap sink that will eventually leak, causing more problems in future. Traditional kitchen sinks cannot guarantee waterproofing and do not address the main cause of sink leakages: silicone erosion.

Aurasink is the first undermount sink stainless steel kitchen sink that guarantees a leakproof solution using the following techniques:

  • Unique clamping system to ensure the sink is tightly secured until the silicone is completely dried
  • Additional ridge installation to keep the silicone intact and away from potential erosion
  • Insulation to prevent “sweating” underneath the sink

If you are looking for premium solutions for your kitchen, Aurastone offers a wide selection of kitchen countertop materials and kitchen sinks that will transform your kitchen into a stylish and high-functioning space. Drop us an email to make an appointment with our in-house experts today.

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