Things to Buy During the Singles Day 11.11 Sale

Excitement is building up as Singles Day 11.11 Sale draws nearer. Unless you have been hibernating, you will notice that sales teaser ads are everywhere.

Singles Day 11.11 Sale started as a shopping trend in China, with Alibaba at the forefront. Today, it has become a phenomenal sale event that outshines both America’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales combined.

What started out as a celebration for being single is now an all-inclusive massive sales affair. Such is the impact of 11.11 Sale that every online and offline retail merchant is joining the bandwagon, offering great deals and discounts to happy shoppers.

For those who are looking to immerse in full retail therapy, this is the day to start your bargain hunting.

What are the best items to buy during this Singles Day 11.11 sale?

Baby Diapers

Little girl selects diapers in supermarket.

Couples with babies will be happy during 11.11 Sale. With babies, diapers are inevitable. And boy, are diapers expensive!

So, this is a great time to load up your baby diaper supply. Believe it or not, baby diapers are one of the fastest moving purchases during 11.11 Sale, and it’s easy to see why.

Beauty and Wellness Products

Have you been wanting to try out that exciting colour of lipstick? Or perhaps indulge in some self-love with luxuriously scented oils? Take that bold step without hurting your wallet, and make this sales period count.

Birthday Gifts and Early Christmas Shopping

Shopping for gifts?

11.11 Sale is the perfect time to get all your birthday and anniversary gifts for your loved ones stocked up for the year. Also, with Christmas coming, you can avoid last-minute shopping by purchasing your stocking stuffers and Christmas presents early.

Planning your gift shopping early can help you select more thoughtful gifts for your family and friends.

Fashion Apparel

Lady selecting clothes on discount during sale

If your fashionista senses are tingling, you probably are right. You will be spoilt for choice with fashion galore during the 11.11 sale. If you’re heading somewhere cold for holiday, you’re in luck for some trendy winterwear at affordable prices.

For all the sexy singles out there, it’s about time to update your wardrobe with fashionable apparels and shine like a star. Who knows, what that amazing new outfit will bring you?

Furniture, Appliances and Fittings

Modern kitchen with white cabinet fronts and brick-imitating tiles

Purchasing a house has been made affordable with the introduction of the new HDB grant in September 2019. Many new homeowners will be embracing this 11.11 sale with open arms.

If you are moving into your new HDB flat soon, furnish your bare unit with furniture and fittings that are bought at great bargains. Also, you can take this opportunity to transform your bare kitchen countertop into a functional working space with new modern home appliances.

Household Necessities

Toiletries and cleaning supplies are household necessities. You will always need shampoo, soap, toothpaste, detergent and other cleaning items. Buying them in bulk at a reduced price is a smart consumer trait.

However, remember to check the expiry dates of these items if you are planning to stock up in bulk. It would be a waste of money should these discounted items have a near expiry date because you can’t possibly use up everything in such a short time.

Tech Gadgets

Modern tech gadgets in white

If your phone or laptop is going wonky, hold your horses first and wait for 11.11 Sales. Gently whisper (or even beg) lovingly to your dying gadgets to hold on for a little longer. You will be spoiled for choices with all the latest tech gadgets on sale.

Even if your current phone and laptop are still in great working condition, you are bound to be tempted to upgrade your tech gadgets with all these delicious discounts everywhere.

Travel Packages

Hurray, hurray, it’s a holiday! Get more bang for your buck this holiday season by purchasing your travel packages at discounted prices.

Yes, even travel companies are getting on board to offer amazing holiday packages for you. Book your travel plans in advance and take advantage of this sales period to realise your dream holiday.

Save More with Singles Day 11.11 Sale!

As you can see, almost everything you can possibly think of is on sale. So, plan your purchases wisely to ensure you don’t miss out on all the exciting deals.

After all, buying all your necessities during this sales period is the best form of savings! However, do make sure you have enough storage space at home to accommodate all your purchases.

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