5 Ways to Reduce Your Kitchen Renovation Costs

Are you considering renovating your kitchen sometime soon? Kitchen renovations can be pricey, but oh-so-worth-it at the same time!

Home renovations generate US$326 billion per year, and it’s not just older people on their second homes spending that kind of cash. Millenials are getting in on the home renovation market, spending an average of US$26,000 a year on sprucing up their homes. The costs of kitchen renovations in Singapore isn’t cheap as well.

Don’t have that kind of cash to drop on creating the kitchen of your dreams? Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world. We’ve got five tips to budget kitchen renovations so you can have a great new look without breaking the bank.

1) Work With What You Have

You don’t have to drop serious cash on buying brand new stuff, see what you can do with what you have.

Take your cabinets for instance. Cabinet renovation can be extremely expensive. In fact, a large chunk of your kitchen renovation budget will go towards your cabinets. If yours are still in good condition but you want to upgrade them, you’ve got options.

You can put on new facades or simply update the hardware rather than spring for a new set. Working with what you have will help you keep your costs down.

2) Upgrade Your Kitchen Countertops

Your countertops take a lot of abuse. When you’re considering what kitchen renovation to tackle, this is a good place to start.

There are lots of great, cost-effective countertops that you can install that can stand up to all of the wear and tear you put them through. Quartz and granite are two popular options for kitchen countertops in Singapore.

3) Upgrade Your Appliances

Sometimes, a budget kitchen upgrade doesn’t involve heavy duty renovations at all. You might be happier just putting in new appliances instead.

Check out what’s trending in appliances and see what’s within your budget. For example, plain black or white stoves look kind of dated. See if you can find a matte metal one that will last a long time.

A few new appliances can change the look of the entire kitchen and for less than the price of all new cabinetry.

4) Don’t Be Too Trendy

While we all want the latest looks, sometimes it’s just not financially feasible. Does that mean you have to give up the kitchen of your dreams?

Not exactly. While having the trendiest looks is nice, remember that fads come and go. If you want to save money, stick with timeless colours and designs.

Go with looks and colours that will stand the test of time so you don’t have to keep updating your kitchen every time the trends change.

5) Go With The Flow

Does your kitchen flow? One of the easiest DIY kitchen renovations you should consider is making your kitchen more livable.

Maybe you have a pantry that just doesn’t work for you and your family’s needs. Perhaps there’s a need for more intuitive storage.

Look around and see if there are little details that will make a big difference.

Do Your Kitchen Renovation For Pennies On The Dollar

Now that you’ve got a few great ideas for your kitchen renovation projects, what are you waiting for? You’re just a few weekends away from the kitchen of your dreams.

Looking for more inspiration? Want some help getting the kitchen of your dreams?

Contact Aurastone today and we’ll show you the way to the kitchen you always wanted!

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