Quartz vs Marble Countertops

In the world of premium countertops, there is a debate between quartz vs marble. Countertops are designed to be functional assets witnessing the most action. Hence, it is important to choose a countertop that can withstand all that pressure like a champ, yet has the aesthetics that will make you house-proud.

Let us delve into the difference between quartz vs marble in terms of the attribute below:


Quartz countertops are tougher than natural stone. With its durability and natural appearance, quartz is often compared to granite. You don’t need to worry about chipping your quartz countertops because they are durable, scratch-resistant and almost indestructible.

In terms of hardness, marble pales in comparison to quartz. Stunts like slugging a pack of ice onto the surface or dropping your heavy-duty pestle and mortar onto the counter may result in some serious scarring. It is easy to chip the edges of your marble countertop. Hence, cutting boards are always recommended on a marble countertop in order to avoid scratching the surface.

Care and Maintenance

Orange, blue and red popsicles melting on a marble countertop in the heat

The difference between quartz vs marble is magnified when it comes to maintenance.

Busy homeowners simply adore quartz because of its easy maintenance and care. Unlike marble, quartz is non-porous and doesn’t require any sealing. Cleaning quartz is a breeze. Just a simple wiping with soap and water is enough to keep your quartz countertop clean and shiny.

On the contrary, marble countertops come with regular maintenance. Because of its high porosity, it needs to be sealed regularly to prevent dirt and moisture from absorbing into the surface of the material. When it comes to cleaning marble, you have to be careful not to use anything too abrasive or acidic because it will etch the surface.

Style and Aesthetics

Minimalist kitchen with large countertop, modern lighting and eating bar

Quartz can be custom-made to look like natural stone minus the diligent maintenance. It also comes in a wide range of colours with either matte or polished finishes. Because it is man-made, you can replicate the design of quartz throughout your home to achieve a uniformed theme.

Marble is famed for its classic and timeless appeal. With its various hues and unique veining, it brings a cool and clean feel to your home. You can easily match your marble countertops with your walls and décor for an elegant ambience.

Health and Hygiene

A light green glass countertop washbasin and steel tap in the modern bathroom

Quartz countertops are known to retard germ growth because of its non-porosity. This means there is no room for moisture and microscopic particles to seep beneath the surface of the countertop.

A properly sealed marble countertop is generally safe for food preparation. However, should the sealed surface be compromised, the pores will be opened to stains, moisture and germs.

The recent pandemic has resulted in a higher awareness of health and hygiene. With so many PSAs advising you to sanitise your hands and belongings, it translates back to keeping your home germ-free. As a result, the demand for NSF-certified countertops has increased.

Did you know that Aurastone’s quartz countertops are NSF-certified? This means that the countertops are very safe for food preparation.

Outdoor Placement

Homes that come with a large compound may have countertops in an outdoor setting. Although both marble and quartz are relatively high-resistant to heat and water, they are no match for the natural elements.

Marble, being porous, will easily get stained when exposed to rain. As for quartz, the resin component may discolour when in contact with direct heat and UV rays from the sun.

In a nutshell, both marble and quartz are not suitable countertop materials for the outdoors.

Quartz vs Marble Countertops – Which Do You Prefer?

Both quartz and marble have their outstanding qualities. However, do weigh the pros and cons of each countertop material before deciding the best countertop for you.

If you love to cook, but lack the time to clean, you may opt for a quartz countertop. Who says you need to skimp on style just because you want a fuss-free countertop?

On the hand, if you simply love basking in the cool grandeur of marble, and have the resources to spare, giving it the TLC it needs, then, by all means, get that marble countertop of your dreams.

Your lifestyle and preference will dictate whether you are Team Quartz or Team Marble.

Feel free to contact us at Aurastone for your countertop needs. We have in-house experts who will be able to guide you towards your dream kitchen.

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