How to Safely Host a Party at Home

Are you excited about the coming festivities such as the Lunar New Year? If you are keen to host a party at home, the Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the social landscape of human interaction.

Today, we witness a change in celebratory practices with new norms. Within just a year, we are already embracing the foreignness of social distancing and working from home with such strange familiarity.

Big gatherings and functions have taken a step back. But let this not dampen the spirit of the occasion.

Here are some tips on how to host a party at home in a subtle and safe manner.

Prepare and Share the Guest List in Advance

Rule of Eight

The year 2020 was deemed the year of the introverts. But no (wo)man is an island. If you crave human connection, 2021 is more forgiving.

From 28 December 2020 onwards, the Singapore government has relaxed its 5-person rule to a maximum of 8 people. According to the Ministry of Health, “Households will also be allowed to receive up to eight visitors at any one time”.

This means social gatherings can now be merrier.

Invitation with RSVP

With the Rule of Eight in mind, it’s time to narrow down your guest list and re-evaluate your social circle. Who do you want to spend time with?

We are living in a different era now because of Covid-19. Relationships and proximity are tested, but this should be met with understanding and compromise.

Since everyone’s risk tolerance is different, we should not take for granted our guests’ concerns about safety and health. Assessing our regular activities and who we closely interact with are factors to estimate how safe it is to visit other people.

If you know a person who is constantly on the go and is exposed to high-risk places, would you reconsider the invitation? The same concern may also be looming among your guests.

Out of courtesy, prepare a guest list and share it with your invitees. That way, your guests can make informed choices on whether to accept or decline the invitation.

Get organised and send out invitations with RSVP in advance. That way, everyone can make plans.

Clean and Sanitise Your Home Before and After the Party

Woman spring cleaning the kitchen cabinet at home

Once you have sent out the invites, it’s time to get your home ready to welcome guests.

Besides festive decoration, spring cleaning takes on a new level of hygiene. Not only do you have to increase your cleaning and sanitising activities before your guests arrive, the same still applies after they leave.

Did you know there are many areas in the home that require more cleaning attention than others? In our prior article, we have highlighted some of the dirtiest places at home.

Fans of quartz surfaces at home will rejoice because cleaning them is a breeze! Besides retarding germ growth, most quartz countertops such as Aurastone are certified by NSF. This means it is certified safe for food preparation.

Serve Individual Portions of Food

What’s a party without sumptuous food?

Traditional dining may not be suitable when you are eating with people who aren’t from the same household. Not everyone may be comfortable with sharing dishes from the same plate or bowl.

As such, it is advisable to serve individual portions of food to accommodate your guests’ concerns. It is safer and more hygienic for everyone.

Check out simple and delicious recipes online that you can whip up in the kitchen.

Prepare Sanitisers for Your Guests

Hand of trendy woman with straw bag, using hand sanitizer gel in city street, with disinfecting hands with an antibacterial agent, life during coronavirus pandemic, antiseptic.

Hand sanitisers should be the first to greet your guest at the door, after you of course. The pandemic is no laughing matter. Remember not to poke fun at anyone who is inclined to keep their masks on or clean their hands excessively.

Prepare adequate hand sanitisers, paper towels, and wet wipes, and place them in various locations within your home for easy reach. Also, stock up on some gentle and mild soap which is just as effective but kinder to the skin.

These thoughtful gestures will certainly put your guests at ease.

Host a Virtual Party at Home

Pretty woman celebrating with her family and friends online using laptop, drinking coffee with confetti on bed

What if you have more than eight people? Or, what if you’re away from all your family and friends?

There are still many people who are unable to cross borders to celebrate with their loved ones. When this happens, don’t let this setback dampen your festive mood. Take charge and organise a virtual gathering!

If you had to choose which year to endure the pandemic, this is a much better time than our ancestors’ era. The difference is in the technological advancement.

Virtual communication has enabled us to work, collaborate and meet within the safe confines of our home. In fact, this is perhaps the safest way to host a party at home. You may be alone, but you will never be lonely because tech brings us closer.

Let’s Get the Party Started… Safely

With some tweaks, hosting a Chinese New Year gathering can still be stress-free while adhering to the new SOPs. It may be a fresh change for once, but you can still create an intimate and low-key affair that is enjoyable and memorable for your guests.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to party!

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