Design & Renovation Articles

10 Practical Tips to Keep a Germ-Free Kitchen

The kitchen is the main place for food preparation. Wet produce like meat is prone…

How to Stay on Top of Home Hygiene

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared Covid-19 a pandemic. With…

6 Dirtiest Places at Home

Amidst the Covid-19 outbreak, more and more people are staying home as travel plans are…

Ways to Stay Healthy During an Outbreak

Recently, the Singapore Ministry of Health raised the novel coronavirus outbreak alert to orange. This…

Tidying Up A Messy Home with Young Children

Parents with young children will understand that kids can be messy. Small kids are a…

How to Care for Your Stainless-Steel Sink in the Kitchen

Stainless steel sinks are the most common type of sinks used in kitchens. They are…

Get Organised – 5 Home Organisation Tips for Busy People

Did you know that Singaporeans are among the most hardworking people in the world? With…

5 Benefits of an Organised Kitchen

Cooking should always be a stress-free and enjoyable activity. An organised kitchen helps create a…

How to Make Your HBD Space Look Bigger

As newer HDB units become more compact, the struggle to make more room is real.…

5 Feng Shui Essentials for Your Home

In feng shui, there are 5 energy elements that work in harmony: water, wood, fire,…

8 Stress-free Tips for Hosting Guests This Chinese New Year

Getting your home ready for Chinese New Year should be a fun-filled family activity. The…

7 Spring Cleaning Tips and Tricks for the New Year

The new year is only a few days away. The Year 2020 beckons with a…

Steps for Cleaning Up After a Major Renovation

Renovating your home is both an overwhelming and rewarding experience that will increase your home…

5 Qualities of a Well-Designed Modern Kitchen Island

A well-designed modern kitchen island puts a twist into your kitchen with a modern approach…

Home Repair & Maintenance: When to Call for Professional Help

No matter how well your home is built, there are bound to be incidents that…

7 Mistakes that Devalue Your Home

Your home a source of pride and also a heavy investment. Hence, it makes sense…

6 of the Most Attractive Kitchen Sink Designs in 2019

As the year is drawing to a close, let’s review the most attractive kitchen sink…

Things to Buy During the Singles Day 11.11 Sale

Excitement is building up as Singles Day 11.11 Sale draws nearer. Unless you have been…

Understanding the New HDB Grants

The recent announcement on the new HDB grants comes as a pleasant surprise to Singaporeans…

Busted: Thicker is Better and Other Quartz Countertop Myths

Have you walked into a showroom or store, only to be greeted by enthusiastic salespeople?…

Why Dekton Countertops are Perfect for Your Kitchen

In the world of premium countertops, Dekton is the latest member to join the ranks…

8 Easy Home Maintenance Tasks Every Homeowner Should Know How to Do

Homeownership is a huge responsibility. It is a significant milestone to achieve, but it takes…

5 Practical Ways to Design A Child-Friendly Home

For many young couples who have taken the leap of faith to be co-owners of…

8 Budget-Friendly Ways to Refresh Your Home

New things excite us. Remember the day you received the keys to your new house?…